Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Most Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Many people this past year experienced job loss and job transitions. Whether or not these career changes were made by choice, folks want to know how to be competitive in today’s job market. Right now, you along with many others may be asking questions such as:

How do I present myself to prospective employers? What are key things to look out for when I’m interviewing for positions?

It has been so long since I’ve looked at my resume. How do I fix it up for the job market?

Where do I begin with writing a cover letter?

I don’t know what skills I have that will make me competitive in job interviews. How do I market myself for a new job?

You are not alone in grappling with these questions about the job search and application process. There are many helpful resources out there to help you with all of the job application steps from building a resume, writing a cover letter, or preparing for a job interview. Don’t feel like you need to go at this alone and take advantage of the tools, resources, and supportive people in your corner who are more than happy to help you along this journey.

One of the things I often help my clients with is tackling the anxieties and fear-driven thoughts that prevent them from even taking a first step in the job application process. It’s so common for the fear of the unknown and the voice of self-doub to turn into paralysis and inaction. One of the best ways to combat job interview anxiety is by knowing what to expect and preparing accordingly. By doing the things you can control, you will feel more self-assured that you have what it takes (both in terms of skills and personal strengths) to succeed at getting a new job. So, in the spirit of helping you overcome some of the internal and external obstacles that get in the way of applying for new jobs, I want to share a resource that helps break down the common questions in interviews and how to answer them. This list was developed by the folks at Novoresume. The team created this website and this particular guide to help you nail your interviews.

Job interviews can be scary, which is why you should be prepared for the big day. This guide by Novoresume covers common interview questions and answers that can help you through the process.

Please check this out and let me know what you think!

Practice going through these questions with a friend or a trusted colleague. Be sure to ask for help and to review these questions out loud. It makes all the difference to hear yourself speak to what you can do and what you can offer to your next employer.